Xmas Cocktail – english

Klick HERE  319-Xmas Cocktail – english – Inge-Lore’s Tutoriale

Xmas Cocktail

Inge-Lore  07.07.2022


This tutorial was created entirely from my imagination,
Any resemblance to other tutorials is purely coincidental and not intentional.
The copyright is solely mine, Inge-Lore.
It is not allowed to copy my tutorial and offer it on other sites for download.
I have my material from various tube groups.
The copyright of the material lies solely with the respective artist.
If I have violated a copyright, please send me an email.
I thank all Tubers for the beautiful material,
without which such beautiful pictures would not exist.
I made the tutorial with PSP 2020,
but it should also be possible to be made with all other variants of PSP as well.

AAA Frames–Foto Frame

you still need
background tube
Person tube
mine is from Alex Prihodko and you can get it HERE


Foreword !!
If something is reduced in size, then always make sure the checkmark
for *All layers adjusted* isn’t placed, otherwise I’ll mention,
if everything needs to be adjusted in size.


Point 1
Pick a light and dark color from your tubes.
Open the alpha file and minimize it.
Open a new sheet 1000 x 700 px – fill with the dark color
new layer – fill with the light color
Layers – mask layer from image *bice_sternring6*
Edge Effects–Enhance
Merge–Merge Group
Activate selection tool (Press K on your keyboard)
And enter the following parameters X 470 / Y 159



Point 2
New layer – fill with the light color
Layers – mask layer from image *Narah_Mask_1356*
Edge Effects–Enhance
Merge–Merge Group



Point 3
Selection–Load/Save Selection–Load selection from alpha channel
Choice *choice #2* loaded
new layer – slide down – fill with the dark color
Texture Effects – Fine Leather
Sharpness–sharpen more
new layer–copy your background tube
insert into selection–-deselect



Point 4
Go to Raster 1–new layer–select all
copy *Christmas_BG1_07.10.2015.*
insert into selection–-deselect
Blend Mode Luminance (V) – Opacity 50%
new layer – fill with the light color
Layers – mask layer from image *Narah_Mask_1237*



Point 5
Edge Effects–Enhance
Merge–Merge Group
Blend Mode Hard Light–Opicity 80%
select Top Layer (Group – Raster 2)
copy *6-8*-paste as new Layer
Image–Resize 55%



Point 6
Image–Mirror–Mirror horizontal
Merge–merge down–duplicate
Image–Mirror–Mirror vertical
merge down
Drop Shadow 0/0/100/50



Point 7
Copy and paste your people tube onto your image
Drop Shadow 0/0/100/50
Duplicate layer – go to the original
Texture Effects – Glass Mosaic
Blend Mode Multiply



Point 8
Merge–Merge Visible–copy
Image–Canvas Size
click in the transparent border with the magic wand
new layer–paste into selection
Adjust-Blur-Gaussian Blur with 10
Duplicate Layer – Merge Down
Plugins–-AAA Frames–-Foto Frame
Selection none
put your WZ and the copyright on the picture
merge all and save as jpg.