Winterzeit – english

317-Winterzeit – english – Inge-Lore’s Tutoriale


Inge-Lore  08.07.2022


This tutorial was created entirely from my imagination,
Any resemblance to other tutorials is purely coincidental and not intentional.
The copyright is solely mine, Inge-Lore.
It is not allowed to copy my tutorial and offer it on other sites for download.
I have my material from various tube groups.
The copyright of the material lies solely with the respective artist.
If I have violated a copyright, please send me an email.
I thank all Tubers for the beautiful material,
without which such beautiful pictures would not exist.
I made the tutorial with PSP 2020,
but it should also be possible to be made with all other variants of PSP as well.

Filters Unlimited–Buttons & Frames–Glass Frame 2

Material  or  HERE
you still need
Background Image
Deco Tube
Person Tube
mine is from Scrapkit by LMB and you can get it HERE


Foreword !!
If something is reduced in size, then always make sure the checkmark
for *All layers adjusted* isn’t placed, otherwise I’ll mention,
if everything needs to be adjusted in size.


Point 1
Pick a light and dark color from your tubes.
Move *texture_Large_bricks* into the texture folder
Open *window©ILR*–make a copy with Shift and D
and close the original, we continue to work on the copy
new layer – move down – fill with the dark color
new layer – fill with the light color



Point 2
Layers – mask layer from image *Narah_Mask_0923*
Edge Effects–Enhance
Merge–Merge Group
Plugins–MuRa’s Seamless–Emboss at Alpha   default
Drop Shadow 3/-3/70/10
select Raster 1



Point 3
Custom selection
Selection invert
Texture Effects–Texture *texture_Large_bricks*
Selection invert–new layer
copy–paste your background tube into the selection



Point 4
Go to the top level
copy *gardine*–paste to your picture
set to X 51 / Y 33 with the K button

set the opacity to 65%
copy *girlande*–paste to your picture
set to X 108 / Y 31 with the K button
Drop Shadow 0/0/70/25



Point 5
Copy *LMB_ChristmasTraditions_Element (61)*
paste on your picture–slide on the bottom of the window
Repeat Drop Shadow
copy and paste your decorative tubes onto your picture
Repeat Drop Shadow



Point 6
Copy your main/person tube/n–paste onto your image
Repeat Drop Shadow
if you like, you can also put another tube behind the window
insert, like I do the deer, but is not a must, just fit well
copy *6-6*-paste to your picture
slide down left–duplicate–flip vertically
summarize below
Repeat Drop Shadow



Point 7
If you like your picture, make the bottom 3 or 4 layers invisible
merge visible–make invisible
now make the lower layers visible–merge visible
Make the upper level visible – you now have 2 levels left
scale down both layers to 90% – no Resize all layers



Point 8
New layer – arrange at the bottom
go to the middle level – click in the edge with your magic wand
go down to the bottom layer again–fill with the dark color
Filters Unlimited – Frames & Buttons – Glass Frame 2
repeat the filter, set the frame size to 20
repeat the filter, set the frame size to 5



Point 9
Go up one level-merge down
Invert selection – go to top layer – new layer
Effects–3D Effects–Cutout
Selection none
put your WZ and the copyright on the picture
merge down 2x



Point 10 Animation
Copy the bottom layer – open your animation shop
paste as new animation—duplicate it as many times as
until you have 5 frames
get the snow animation in the anishop
Edit – select all
now drag the ani to your picture exactly on the spot,
where the window belongs



Point 11
Go back to the PSP – go to the upper level – copy
back to the anihop-insert as a new animation
also duplicate them to 5 frames
Edit – select all
the controller below the picture is on the left
also drag this file onto your picture and make sure
that it sits exactly, only then release the mouse button
then look at the animation and if you like it, save it as a gif.